Lo dice The Economist:»It is also true that some measure of inequality is good for an economy. It sharpens incentives to work hard and take risks; it rewards the talented innovators who drive economic progress. Free-traders have always accepted that the more global a market, the greater the rewards will be for the winners. But as our special report this week argues, inequality has reached a stage where it can be inefficient and bad for growth.» El aumento de la desigualdad esta suponendo un obstaculo para la eficiencia y el crecimiento económico. Las 16000 familias (0,01%) con mayor renta de USA acumulaban en 1980 lel 1% de la renta, en el año 2012 acumulan el 5 %. ¡¡Palabra de The Economicist
¡¡ http://www.economist.com/node/21564556?spc=scode&spv=xm&ah=9d7f7ab945510a56fa6d37c30b6f1709